Certified Instructors

In addition to Dr. Tanner (the “Master Instructor”), the following individuals have completed training and earned certification as Field Search Instructors.  They are authorized to provide instruction and certify end-users in the use of Field Search.  

Field Search is available FREE to any governmental agency or agent through NLECTC.  The instructors listed below may charge fees for providing classes.  Contact the instructors directly for information concerning classes.

The instructors are listed below by state.  The ordering within each state is arbitrary. .


Scott Waters
U.S. Probation
Scott_Waters (at) akp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

Jason Brown
Alaska Probation and Parole
Arcticman (dot) 308 (at) gmail (dot) com


Carlos Zuniga
Yavapai County Probation
carlos (dot) zuniga (at) co (dot) yavapai (dot) az (dot) us

Brenda Richey
Yavapai Probation
richey73 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Terri Scharneck
Maricopa Probation
scharneckt (at) apd (dot) maricopa (dot) gov

Larry Battin
Yavapai Probation
wired2 (at) commspeed (dot) net

Cynthia Stevens
Maricopa Probation
stevensc001 (at) apd (dot) maricopa (dot) gov

Aaron Porzel
Maricopa County Probation
porzel_911 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jason Westcott
Maricopa County Adult Probation
westcottj (at) apd (dot) maricopa (dot) gov


Erik McCauley
EJM Digital, LLC
erik (at) ejmdigital (dot) com

Greg Levers
glevers (at) verizon (dot) net

Tim Lott
timbo245 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chris Armstrong
CA8920 (at) gmail (dot) com

Shawn Barry
Orange County
shawn (dot) barry (at) prob (dot) ocgov (dot) com

Richard Cota
Orange County
richard (dot) cota (at) prob (dot) ocgov (dot) gov

Dan Dornan
Sacramento County ICAC
dornand (at) saccounty (dot) net

David Flesner
San Diego County
sd (dot) flesner (at) cox (dot) net

Matthew Holmes
Matt (dot) ultra (at) gmail (dot) com

Steven Reinhart
Electronic Monitoring Unit, CDCR
SVReinhart (at) gmail (dot) com

James Hoefer
San Diego District Attorney Investigator
James (dot) Hoefer (at) SDCDA (dot) org

Jeff Morino
San Mateo County Probation
JMorino (at) gmail (dot ) com

Richard Curtice
CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
richard (dot) curtice (at) cdcr (dot) ca (dot) gov

Titus Quinn
CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
titus (dot) quinn (at) cdcr (dot) ca (dot) gov

Gabriel Rogers
CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
gabriel (dot) rogers (at) cdcr (dot) ca (dot) gov

Tae Shin
CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
tae (dot) shin (at) cdcr (dot) ca (dot) gov

Liam Doyle
Beaumont P.D.
ldoyle (at) beaumontpd (dot) org


Mark Batstone
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Mark (dot) Batstone (at) cbsa-asfc (dot) gc (dot) ca

Desiree Bilsky
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Desiree (dot) Bilsky (at) cbsa-asfc (dot) gc (dot) ca


Greg Brown
ERB Consulting, LLC
gbrown7674 (at) aol (dot) com

John Davis
Colorado Computer Forensics
jdavis (at) coloradocomputerforensics (dot) com

Adam Romine
Colorado Springs Police Dept.
rominead (at) ci (dot) colospgs (dot) co (dot) us

Clayton Blackwell
Colorado Springs Police Dept.
blackwcl (at) ci (dot) colospgs (dot) co (dot) us

Daniel Martin
4th Judicial District, Colorado
daniel (dot) martin (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

James Miller
17th Judicial District, Colorado
jamesd (dot) miller (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Wesley Zuber
2nd Judicial District, CO
wesley (dot) zuber (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Bryan Franke
Longmont Police Department
bryan (dot) franke (at) ci (dot) longmont (dot) co (dot) us

Jeremy Shavin
Boulder County Sheriff’s Office
jshavin (at) bouldercounty (dot) org

Brandon Beaudette
Eagle County Sheriff’s Office
brandon (at) sheriff (dot) eagle (dot) co (dot ) us

Leslie Giacomini
Leslie_Giacomini (at) doioig (dot) gov

Michael Leiker
Aurora PD
mleiker (at) auroragov (dot) gov

James Alex
20th Judicial District, CO
james (dot) alex (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Cody Gardner
20th Judicial District, CO
cody (dot) gardner (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Don Howard
4th Judicial District
albert (dot) howard (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Justin Wolford
1st Judicial District
justin (dot) wolford (at) judicial (dot) state (dot)co (dot)  us

Charles Schwaebe
6th J.D. Probation
charles (dot) schwaebe (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Kenneth Shew
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
ken (dot) shew (at) state (dot) co (dot) us

Kevin Dohahue
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
kdonahue (at) co (dot) jefferson (dot) co (dot) us

Daniel Martin
4th Judicial District, CO
daniel (dot) Martin (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Brea Coronado
17th Judicial District, CO
brea (dot) coronado (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Elizabeth Greer
20th Judicial District, CO
elizabeth (dot) greer (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Lori Turner
20th Judicial District, CO
lori (dot) turner (at) judicial (dot) state (dot) co (dot) us

Don Lewis
don (at) search (dot) org


Ervin Frazler
U.S. Probation SD
Ervin_Frazier (at) gas (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Christine Jensen
Idaho Community Corrections
cjensen (at) idoc (dot) idaho (dot) gov


Daniel Ferraro
Office of Illinois Attorney General
dferraro (at) atg (dot) state (dot) il (dot) us

RJ Calara
19th Judicial Circuit, IL
rcalara (at) wi (dot) rr (dot) com

Dean Kharasch
Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office
dkharasch (at) lakecountyil (dot) gov

James Browne
Chicago PD
james (dot) browne (at) chicagopolice (dot) org

Theodore Clausing
Illinois DOC
T (dot) V (dot) claus (at) gmail (dot) com

John Briscoe
Vernon Hills PD
jbriscoe (at) ekitsupply (dot) com


Dan Newby
4th Judicial District, Iowa
dan (dot) newby (at) iowa (dot) gov


Ruth Yorke
U.S Probation, District of Kansas
ruth_yorke (at) ksp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Mike Jones
U.S. Federal Probation Eastern District
mike_jones (at) kyep (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

Donté Key
U.S. Federal Probation Eastern District
donte_key (at) kyep (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Milton Alexander
LA Department of Corrections
malexand (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us

John Rohner Jr.
LA Adult Probation/Parole
jrohner (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us

Tom Simpson
LA Department of Corrections
tsimpson (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us

Jon Barbera
LA Department of Corrections
jbarbera (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us

Leland Hughes
LA Department of Corrections
fivefsufans (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sederick Smith
LA Department of Corrections
sedericksmith (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us

Joseph Spino III
LA Department of Corrections
jspino (at) corrections (dot) state (dot) la (dot) us


Adam Silberman
Maine Probation/Parole
adam (dot) silberman (at) maine (dot) gov


Edward Smith
Antrim County Sheriff’s Office
smithe (at) antrimcounty (dot) org

Earl D. Fife
Kent County Sheriff’s Depatment
earl(dot)fife (at) kentcountymi (dot) gov

Charley Christenson
christcj (at) michigan (dot) gov

Richard Gallagher
gallagr (at) michigan (dot) gov

Danelle Pigott
pigottD (at) michigan (dot) gov


Alex Bunger
Olmsted County Probation and Parole
bunger (dot) alex (at) co (dot) olmsted (dot) mn (dot) us

Jon Rowe
MN Dept. of Corrections
jonathan (dot) lee (dot) rowe (at) state (dot) mn (dot) us

Dale Arnold
Tri-County Community Corrections
dale(dot)arnold (at) co (dot) polk (dot) mn (dot) us

Michael Schommer
Field Services Division, Detroit Lakes
michael (dot) a (dot) schommer (at) state (dot) mn (dot) us

David Heath
Arrowhead Regional Corrections
heathd (at) co (dot) st-louis (dot) mn (dot) us


Lawrence McClain
St. Charles County Cyber Crime Unit
lmcclain (at) ofallon (dot) mo (dot) us

“Tad” H.W. Biggs II
U.S. Courts - Eastern MO
Tad_Biggs (at) moed (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Melanee Emmett
Montana DOC
memmett (at) mt (dot) gov


Matt Nichols
Nebraska State Patrol
matt (dot) nichols (at) nebraska (dot) gov

Marc Kohmetscher
Nebraska State Probation
marc (dot) kohmetscher (at) nebraska (dot) gov


 Salvador Acosta
Carson City Sheriffs Office
sacosta (at) carson (dot) org

New Jersey

Sean Asay
N.J. Div. of Parole (Retired)
fouracespsllc (at) aol (dot) com

Sean Van Leuven
N.J. Div. of Parole
sean (dot) vanleuven (at) spb (dot) state (dot) nj (dot) us

New Mexico

Owen Pena
NM Attorney General’s Office
opena (at) nmag (dot) gov

Labriana Belmontes
NM Probation/Parole Department
labriana (dot) belmontes (at) state (dot) nm (dot) us

Parick Jennings
NM Probation/Parole Depatment
patrick (dot) jennings (at) state (dot) nm (dot) us

Haven Scogin
NM Probation/Parole Department
haven (dot) scogin (at) state (dot) nm (dot) us

Troy Ruplinger
New Mexico Probation/Parole
Troy(dot)Ruplinger (at) state (dot) nm (dot) us

Eric Padilla
U.S. Probation District of  New Mexico
eric_padilla (at) nmcourt (dot) fed (dot) us

New York

Fabio R. Auffant II
New York State Police (Retired)
FRAuffant2 (at) aol (dot) com

Kathleen Horvatits
U.S. Probation
kathleen_horvatis (at) nywp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

North Carolina

Joel Taylor
U.S. Probation WD
joel_taylor (at) ncwd (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Brett Handmaker
U.S. Probation Southern district of Ohio
brett_handmaker (at) ohsp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Gary Wright
Washington County Sheriff’s Office
gary_wright (at) co (dot) washington (dot) or (dot) us


Nick Honyara
Montgomery County Probation and Parole
nhonyara (at) montcopa (dot) org

Rick Parsons
Montgomery County Probation and Parole
rparsons (at) montcopa (dot) org

South Carolina

Mitch Tucker
South Carolina Probation and Parole
mtucker (at) ppp (dot) state (dot) sc (dot) us

South Dakota

Tim Toomey
Watertown P.D.
ttoomey (at) watertownpd (dot) com


Douglas Williams
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
doug (dot) williams (at) tn (dot) gov

E. Dwayne McClain
Jackson Police Department
dmcclain (at) cityofjackson (dot) net


Steve Morrison
Williamson County Probation
smorrison (at) adultprobation (dot) net

Otis Almond
Lufkin PD (retired)
otis (at) thealmond (dot) net

Matthew Hanrahan
Ellis County CSCD
matthew (dot) hanrahan (at) co (dot) ellis (dot) tx (dot) us

Steven Duke
Brazoria County CSCD
stevend (at) brazoria-county (dot) com

United Kingdom

Russell Taylor
National Policing Improvement Agency
russell (dot) taylor (at) npia (dot) pnn (dot) police (dot) uk

Steven Laurie
Lothian and Borders Police
steven (dot) j (dot) laurie (at) ibp (dot) pnn (dot) police (dot) uk

Gary Scott
Police Service of Northern Ireland
gary (dot) scott (at) psni (dot) pnn (dot) police (dot) uk

Jason Dunning
Bedfordshire Police
jason (dot) dunning (at) bedfordshire (dot) pnn (dot) police (dot) uk


John Pyburn
US Probation
john_pyburn (at) utp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

Cameron Sinner
US Probation
cameron_sinner (at) utp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Michael Touchette
Vermont DOC
mike (dot) touchette (at) ahs (dot) state (dot) vt (dot) us


Todd Skipworth
U.S. Pretrial Services
todd_skipworth (at) wawpt (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

West Virginia

Robert Hott
US Probation, Northern District of WV
robert_hott (at) wvnp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov


Melinda Howell
Wyoming Dept. of Corrections
mhowel (at) wdoc (dot) state (dot) wy (dot) us

Brett Bohlender
US Probation
brett_bohlender (at) wyp (dot) uscourts (dot) gov

Rebecca Albertson
Casper Probation and Parole
raalbertson (at) yahoo (dot) com  - or -
rebecca (dot) albertson (at) wyo (dot) gov

JC Lawson
Wyoming Department of Corrections
j (dot) lawson (at) bresnan (dot) net