Click on the links below to download copies of the SSOTR:


Treatment Agency SSOTR (PDF - 105k)
(version 3.5  updated 8/26/11)


Treatment Agency JSSOTR (PDF - 65k)
(version 2.2 - updated -7/14/02).

The Structured Sex Offender Treatment Review (SSOTR - “Sotter”) was designed as an instrument for professionals to use when reviewing and staffing the management and treatment of convicted sex offenders. 

The SSOTR was developed in conjunction with Stephen Brake, Ph.D. as part of a research project for the 20th Judicial District Probation Department in Boulder, CO. The department was seeking a “map” of what should happen in treatment.  The SSOTR provides such a map.

The SSOTR covers three domains of offender behavior:

1.  Taking responsibility for their actions.
2.  Efforts by the offender to enhance public safety.
3.  Collateral changes in the offender’s life style.

The SSOTR is not an evaluation or assessment tool in the traditional sense. It is a structured protocol designed to assist treatment teams in identifying and avoiding sex offenders grooming, splitting, and misdirecting the team over time.  The SSOTR provides a structured approach to reviewing the case and establishing treatment and supervision goals. By answering the SSOTR questions about an offender,  professionals are taken through a structured review of the offender’s treatment and management process. 

Results of SSOTR implementation are found here.

SSOTR is copyrighted, but we hereby give permission for any justice system, treatment or evaluation agency to duplicate and use it freely and without royalty.

We encourage agencies to utilize it. If you utilize SSOTR, we only ask that you A) give its developers credit and B) let us know you’re using it (it makes us feel good to know our efforts helped others). 

We welcome feedback and/or data so we can continue to improve the instrument. Other resources for sex offender management may be found on our resources page.

For further information on the SSOTR, please contact us.


