KBSolutions offers wide variety of professional training for law enforcement, corrections, and justice system professionals. Below is a brief synopsis of some of our more popular courses. For more information on these and other courses, please contact Jim Tanner.
In addition to the courses listed below, KBSolutions can custom tailor training to meet your specific needs. For information on customized training, contact us.
Conference Sessions
(Sessions are typically 90 minutes in length but can be adjusted)
Understanding Sex Offenders - Conference Session - Parts 1 & 2 - 180 minutes
This session focuses professionals on the cognitive set of the intrafamilial and position of trust sex offender. We will expand and clarify elements of investigation, prosecution and effective containment. We will discuss sex offenders' perceptions, ideation, grooming strategies and cognitive processes. The impact of the Internet and the offenders' digital behavior will be explored and explained. Participants will leave this session with a new understanding of sex offenders, their thoughts and digital behaviors which will enhance the ability to investigate, prosecute, supervise and treat sex offenders.
This session has been a “Standing Room Only” presentation for years at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference,
This session is a combination, expansion, and integration of the materials previously covered in “Inside The Mind of A Sex Offender” and “Sex Offender Digital Behavior”. It is the current session I offer.
Memory and Trauma: Conference session: Parts 1 & 2 - 180 minutes
This session focuses on the process of memory. We discuss how memories are formed, how they are retrieved, and the effect trauma has on this process. The session includes information about memory consolidation, eyewitness memory, effects of aging, and “planted memory”. If you work with traumatized clients, this session will be helpful in understanding their recollections and help you adjust your approach.
Living With The Memories - Conference Session
People working crimes against women and children see and hear many things they would rather not. These memories can have a disturbing effect on professionals and their families. Based on his 40+ years experience working in criminal justice, Dr. Tanner explains what's behind the secondary trauma of working these cases and provides simple but effective steps we can take to help us live with these stories and images once we have seen and heard them. You owe it to yourself and your family to attend this session.
This session has been a “Standing Room Only” presentation for several years at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference, the Conference on Crimes Against Women and PSC conferences nationally.
Deception Detection - Conference Session - length adjustable
Improve your interview skills. Learn how to tell when someone is editing something out of a verbal or written statement. This session will cover the basics of Discourse Analysis, a lexical and syntactical approach to analyzing statements. Using clear examples, Dr. Tanner will explain how a respondent’s shifts in words and grammar can point interviewers to “hot spots” in a statement that need to be probed. You will never listen to a conversation or interview the same way again if you attend this session.
This session has been a “Standing Room Only” presentation for several years at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference, Conference on Crimes Against Women. ICAC and PSC conferences nationally.
How Sex Offenders Groom - Conference Session - length adjustable
Sex offenders generally groom their victims and the victims’ environment. This session is based on more than 50 years working with sex offenders. In this session we examine and explain the process offenders use to groom both the environment (including law enforcement) and potential victims. The session will cover the goals of grooming both children and adults and show participants the step by step process used by offenders. Anyone working sex abuse crimes or exploitation of children crimes will find this session improves investigation, forensic approaches, and prosecution of sex offenders.
Beyond Prosecution: Sex Offender Accountability: Conference Session - length adjustable
Often in the processing of a case, especially ones with digital evidence, there are factors seen by law enforcement that are not evidentiary, but provide the courts and supervising/treatment agencies valuable information on how to safely contain and support the offender in the community. This workshop will cover these extra-evidentiary elements and provide examples of how they can be reported to the court and supervising/treating agencies. This session also addresses polygraph and common misconceptions about how to interpret the reports.
Protecting Yourself and Your Family In a Digital World- Conference Session
Digital devices are a part of the modern world. For most of us, we know enough to get things done. But we all hear about the ‘dark side” of the digital life. Join a cyber crime analyst as he talks in plain English about the technical problems everyone faces each time they log into their computer, use a smart phone, or a credit card. Regardless of your technical expertise (or lack thereof), you will walk away from this session understanding cyber-stalking, cross-site scripting, trojans, viruses, card skimming, POS scraping, Chip/Pin credit cards, and other things that go bump in the dark. More importantly, you will know what to do to protect yourself from these criminal acts.
This session has been a “Standing Room Only” presentation for several years at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference and the Crimes Against Women Conference.
Managing Sex Offenders in A Digital World - Conference Session
This course provides treatment and supervising agency staff with practical information concerning how to detect illicit use of technology by sex offenders. The course covers the eight primary methods of accessing adult material and provides links to tools and techniques to examine the offender’s computer to determine illicit usage. This course is designed for and offered to criminal justice and treatment professionals only. The course is intended for individuals conducting routine investigations that they expect to result in a maximum of technical violations on treatment contract defaults only.
What Are We Up Against? Measuring Sex Offender Entrenchment - Conference Session
Sex offenders are adept at hiding their entrenchment in deviant ideation. This session covers methods which allow us to measure this entrenchment. Using the SSOTR (developed by Dr. Tanner and Dr. Brake and available free on their websites), the session walks participants through a structured process of assessing entrenchment. The session also provides detailed information on how to intrepret an offender’s computer use to help identify interests and obsessions not reflected in presenting charges. Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Probation/Parole Officers, and Treatment Professionals will find the session advances their ability to do their jobs.
Working with Resistive Clients - Conference Session - Parts 1 & 2 ( 180 minutes)
This session provides staff with tools to use in understanding and working with resistance encountered with some justice system clients. The course covers models of client resistive sets, motivation issues, dimensions of resistance, techniques to overcome resistance, and indices of change in resistance. The session is geared for professionals who must either supervise or treat clients within the justice system.
Inside the Mind of a Sex Offender - Conference Session - ARCHIVED available only under special conditions - see Understanding Sex Offenders above.
Nationally, 70% of all sex offenders are supervised in the community. This session focuses professionals on the cognitive set of the common sex offender and expands and clarifies the goals of investigation, prosecution, and effective containment. We will discuss sex offenders’ perceptions, ideation, grooming strategies, and cognitive processes. Investigators, prosecutors, and supervising agents will leave this session with a new understanding of the sex offender
This session has been a “Standing Room Only” presentation for several years at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference. I do not routinely offer this session currently - see Understanding Sex Offenders above.
Sex Offender Digital Behavior - Conference Session - ARCHIVED available only under special conditions - see Understanding Sex Offenders above.
Today almost every crime scene has digital evidence. Sex offenses are no exception. This session discusses how sex offenders engage in and utilize digital technology to maintain and enhance their deviant ideation. This session is not about child pornography. The session explores the vast array of legal sexually related material available digitally and how this material enhances the sex offender’s ability to obtain and maintain deviant ideation. Investigators, prosecutors, and supervising agents will gain a fuller understanding of what to look for in a case. I do not routinely offer this session curently - see Understanding Sex Offenders above.
Example Full Day Courses - Tailored for your audience.
Sex Offenders In A Digital World
This one day course provides investigative and supervisory professionals a fast-paced and comprehensive overview of how sex offenders interact with and use the digital world. Designed for the non-technical professional, this session covers current technology, how sex offenders use it, what to assess, how to assess it, approaches to managing offender technology use while on supervision, and how to protect yourself and your family in a digital world.
Ask Twice Method of Case Management
This one day course provides correctional professionals with a simple system for effective case management. Developed by Dr. Tanner, the Ask Twice system combines components of up-to-date technology (Stages of Change, Cognitive Restructuring, Relapse Prevention, Skill Development, and Containment Approach) into a simple to use and easily learned method of managing offenders.
Managing Sex Offenders’ Computer Use
This session provides field officers with “hands on” information concerning how to detect illicit use of the internet by sex offenders. The course covers the eight primary methods of accessing adult material and provides both software and techniques to examine the offender’s computer to determine illicit usage. This course is designed for and offered to criminal justice and treatment professionals only. The course is intended for field officers conducting routine investigations that they expect to result in a maximum of technical violations only.
Cognitive Behavioral Approaches to Clients
This one day course provides program staff with up-to-date information on cognitive approaches to offender treatment. The course covers current models of cognitive behavioral treatment and their application in correctional settings. The course is designed for Case Managers, Program Directors, and Clinical Staff.
Secondary Trauma and Correctional Workers
This one day course provides correctional staff with an overview of trauma, secondary trauma, and its effects on corrections and treatment staff. The course covers methods for building our resistance to secondary trauma as well as techniques for dealing with the secondary trauma incumbent in our profession.
Developing and Implementing Effective Internal Controls
This three day course provides administrators and managers with the knowledge and ability to plan and implement effective internal program controls. Each participant leaves the course with a program-specific and detailed plan to measure program delivery against program design and policy/procedure.`
Statistics and Outcome Measures for Criminal Justice Managers
This three day course provides administrators and managers with the knowledge needed to be "intelligent consumers" of criminal justice research. It is a must for any administrator interested in evaluation of their program. The course is especially good for "math phobic" administrators who must deal with research data. The course is recommended for administrators/managers who are seeking external evaluators or being evaluated by external evaluators. The course is not math based but serves as an excellent refresher course in research methods and elementary statistics.
Getting Grants - How to Increase Your Chances
This course involves one day in class as well as time writing and reviewing proposals. The course is designed for administrators who must develop proposals in response to requests for bids. The course provides practical and proven methods in preparing grants. Students are required to submit a short practice proposal within 30 days of the course which is critiqued by the faculty and peer review. Each student must agree to serve as a peer reviewer of two practice proposals. An overview of the course content may is provided in thepaper by Dr. Tanner.
Working with Resistive Clients
This one day course provides staff with tools to use in understanding and working with resistance encountered with some correctional clients. The course covers client resistive sets, motivation, techniques to overcome resistance, and indices of change in resistance.
Going from Assessment to Program Plan
This one day course provides Case Managers and Program Directors with clear and effective ways to develop meaningful case plans. The course covers transferring the information gained from the LSI (and other assessment tools) into measurable and productive program plans.
Making Clients Do The Work
This one day course provides case managers with tools which lessen their workload by causing the client to do more of the case planning work. The course covers the development and use of tools which force the client to be better prepared for case management meetings, efficient use of meeting time, and simplified ways to ensure follow-up on case plans.
Report Writing
This one day course helps your staff develop skills to write better incident reports and progress reports. The course assists staff in writing reports which effectively communicate information both within your facility and on the witness stand.
Client Monitoring
This one day course focuses on your staff understanding the role client monitoring plays in effective treatment and reduction of civil liability. The course covers compliance with state standards, use of technology, and common errors which are targeted by civil litigation.
Understanding Crime and the Criminal Mind
This one day course provides professional staff with an intensive overview of theoretical criminology. The course is designed to serve as a comprehensive introduction to theories of crime for those who have not taken course work in criminology. The material presented also serves as an excellent "refresher course" for those who have degrees in criminal justice or a related field.
Writing Clear Policies and Procedures
This two day course provides administrators/managers with the tools to improve their policies and procedures. Step by step methods of policy and procedure development and publishing are provided. Common pitfalls in P&P development are included in the course materials.